contact Fusion
Find out if Fusion is right for you!
Text or call Dr. Sierra for a free 15-minute phone consultation at 667-408-4492. Or, email
If calling or emailing Dr. Sierra after hours, she might not be able to respond until the next business day. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. If this is a mental health emergency, please dial 988.
Please note that email is not a secure form of communication, so limit your questions or comments to non-sensitive information, such as scheduling and logistical information. Dr. Sierra will not discuss clinical material in email.
schedule an appointment
If you are a new client and would like to schedule and Initial Intake, please email the office at and Dr. Sierra will get back to you within 1 business day. Please include the following information:
Whether you are seeking services for yourself or for a loved one
Whether you have insurance and if so, with whom
Days and times that you are available to meet on a regular basis (usually weekly or every two weeks)